Department of Plant Pathology
The Department of Plant Pathology was established among the ten departments in the erstwhile College of Agriculture under North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) in 1978. The Department has been offering core and elective courses in Microbiology and Plant Pathology since its inception. After the upgradation and creation of College to School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development in 1985, the Department started offering P.G. courses in 1986. Considering the importance, the Department took up the initiative of starting the P.G. programme in 1989. After establishment of Nagaland University, regular P.G. course programme started with effect from 1997.
- To develop specialized human resource in the field of Plant Pathology.
- Research studies on living, non-living and environmental causes of plant diseases and investigation for suitable management measures.
- To train extension workers in Agriculture and plant protection officails with recent trends in plant disease management.
- To develop and provide technical know-how for cultivation of mushrooms.
Thrust Areas:
- Survey, investigation and management of important plant diseases of North-East India.
- Biological control of Plant Diseases.
- Screening of germplasm of crop plants from North-Eastern region for disease resistance.
- Investigation on Post harvest and storage diseases.
- Microbial ecology, its biodiversity and application of microbes in plant health.
- Mushrooms and their cultivation.
Email(HoD): hodplantpatho[at]