Department of Agricultural Economics
Students Enrolled
B. Sc. (Ag.) Hon’s / B. Sc. Hon’s (Ag.) degree Students Enrolled (as on 30/11/2020)
For the B. Sc. (Ag.) Hon’s / B. Sc. Hon’s (Ag.) four year degree progrmme all the compulsory courses viz; Agricultural Economics, Agricultural
Statistics and Computer Applications disciplines were taught by the Faculty of the Department of Agricultural Economics as per the enrolled
(60 to 70 approx numbers) for the degree at Nagaland University, SASRD, Medziphema, Nagaland; since inception of the department (from 20th October
1978 to 30th November 2020).
M.Sc Students Enrolled (as on 21/03/2022)
Ph.D. Scholars Enrolled (as on 21/03/2022)